Organic Hatcho Miso - 200g

Natural Premium Grade. Traditionally made in Japan

Organic | Non GMO

100% organic soy beans.

High in Lactic acid and minerals

Hatcho miso is made of top quality organic soybeans, salt and water. It is fermented naturally for two summers and two winters (two years). Although hatcho miso is often thought to be salty because of its dark color and firmness caused by the long fermentation period, it actually contains low sodium. A large amount of plant origin unsaturated fatty acid is also contained in hatcho miso, and soybean protein is well broken down into amino acids. It is a nutritional food with good digestive and absorption qualities. Hatcho miso is a "living" natural food.

Miso is full of probiotics, which contribute to improved gut health. It contains beneficial live/active cultures of bacteria, which can reduce the risk of inflammatory bowel disease and other problems with the digestive system.

Please be advised : This information is for educational purposes only, not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Before making any changes to your diet you should consult with your doctor, especially if you are pregnant, nursing or have existing conditions.