Organic Hojicha (Roasted Green Tea) - 50g

Organic | Non-GMO

Roasted green tea (also known as Hojicha) is a popular tea with plenty of health benefits and low in caffeine.

* Ideal for caffeine sensitivities.
* Relives stressful days. Provides a sense of relaxation, aiding in both physical and mental health.
* Keeps your skin looking clear and youthful.
* Fights colds and keeps your immune system strong
* Supports a happy and healthy heart
* Boosts your metabolism while helping with digestion
* Protects your teeth
* Alleviate (and prevent!) swelling pain from arthritis

Imported from Japan

Please be advised : This information is for educational purposes only, not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Before making any changes to your diet you should consult with your doctor, especially if you are pregnant, nursing or have existing conditions.